You don’t want to be a poet; / it’s not an occupation, it’s a state of mind.
— Wendy Cope, The Poetry Teacher

Latest Reviews

Translating Culture and Fantasy in ‘Tabi Po: Bloodlust’

The artwork immediately stood out. Throughout the book, I found myself repeatedly pausing to admire the full-page spreads and intricate details that filled each panel. The visuals alone were enough to draw me in, and they perfectly complemented the story’s darker themes.

The Enduring Magic of Anne of Green Gables: A Journey Through Imagination

It's easy to see oneself in Anne—young, full of dreams, and wonderfully imaginative. In Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s perspective on the world and everything in it is captivating, making her adventures feel personal and relatable, especially for someone like me who loves reading and visualising scenarios. The combination of Anne’s childlike wonder coupled with her strong moral compass is truly endearing.