Markus et le gecko Review

Markus ressemble à tous les autres garçons de son âge.Sauf que... Markus a un secret : il a peur du noir. Du noir, mais surtout de toutes les immondes créatures qui viennent la nuit dans sa chambre éparpiller ses jouets et y laisser des traces puantes. Pour le rassurer, sa mère lui offre un jour un gecko.Un gecko ? Que peut donc un si petit lézard contre les monstres de la nuit ? Sauf que... Arthur-Lorenzo-Dimitri-Olivier, dit Aldo, n'est pas un gecko ordinaire...Et, avec lui, les horribles bestioles n'ont qu'à bien se tenir ! Une virevoltante histoire de monstres, aussi dégoûtante que palpitante.


“Et toi, un super-Markus ! Ce soir, c’est toi qui as fait preuve d’un grand courage. Je salue ta bravoure.”

A charming story of a boy who’s afraid of the dark and his mother who wants to make him comfortable by giving him a pet gecko. Markus et le gecko, like any children’s book, is a straight forward tale with a dash of fantasy in it.

Markus is unable to sleep at night. He is afraid. And his fears has created things out of his imaginations – or are they? – that either keeps him up at night or makes him feel exhausted in the morning due to his restlessness. When his mom gave him a pet, he couldn’t place why she gave him a gecko, but it’ll soon unravel with the story’s progression.

This was a cute read and I enjoyed every part of it. I related to Markus and his fear of the dark. When I was younger, I remember running from the switch to my room whenever I had to turn off the lights. Or when I had to run under the sheets during a same scenario. You never stop thinking that, perhaps, a creature that shows up in the dark is lurking around, following you. So to have this sort of book, a companion that shows you that there is nothing to fear in the dark is truly special. I wish I got to read this book when I was younger.

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