My Reading Plan and Personal Goals for 2022

Hello everyone! I hope this year will be a better year for all of us. This will be a lengthy post because I want to share with you all the books I have plotted for 2022. In addition, I will try and share some of my life/personal goals for this year.















If you are following my Instagram (@wanderwithjon), you probably already know that I am studying languages. My focus is on French, currently; however, I have been studying two other languages alongside it. I would love to have a strong focus for this new hobby of mine towards my daily life. Possibly allocating 2 hours of my time — 1 hour for my main language and 30 minutes for any other extra language.

2022 will also be more productive in terms of exercise (yes, I am already claiming that it’ll be productive). I used to do 30 mins of yoga everyday and that slowly fell off in 2021. I want to get back to it this year and supplement it with a 10 min jump-rope if I do not have enough time for doing my yoga.

Squeezing in some details with my reading as well. I would love to get back to my usual routine of 50 pages per day or 1 hour of reading every day. This’ll not only help for consistency, but this small dedication of time can easily provide me of books to finish. In all honesty, the most stressful thing for me with reading is forcing myself to write a review for it. And there’s that fear (even when I know my reviews are for myself) that people will judge me for the way I write. As per ARCs, I will not be accepting any for this year — with the exception of author’s whom I know and their words that I already know I’ll love.

For my mental health and just a general writing routine, I would also like to get back into writing a journal daily and pulling single tarots and writing my feelings and the meaning of the card.

Lastly, some random stuff. I will continue with my not eating of pork, probably try and stop eating crisps and drinking soda again (I don’t even know what came over me and why I began eating and drinking them again). Plus I am going to do my best to not drink coffee this year. Only water, tea, and milk for me!

I wish you all a wonderful year ahead of you! Tell me what your reading and life plans are this year. Maybe we have something in common and we can have a chat about it! 🙂

2 thoughts on “My Reading Plan and Personal Goals for 2022”

  1. Laura A. Grace

    I absolutely LOVE this post!! I love how you have mapped out a TBR and really felt inspired by your goals this year! I struggle with sitting down and making long term goals, but I also really thrive on consistency. I should reconsider doing something like this! Thank you so much for sharing! (Also, I relate SO much on what you share about reviews, but sharing reviews on anime!)

    1. Wander with Jon

      Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Mapping out my 2022 with the books I already have (and some I plan to buy) makes the year look more easily conquered. Plus it helps me focus with what I want to read and not those that I am forcing myself to.

      I hope you get the chance to sit down and ponder on the thoughts with which books, series, or other hobbies you want to enjoy yourself with this year. It can get overwhelming with planning (honestly) but as much as spontaneity is exciting, it also veers us away from a lot of things.

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