Finding Resilience: My Journey with Maya Angelou’s And Still I Rise

The caged bird sings/ with a fearful trill/ of things unknown/ but longed for still/ and his tune is heard/ on the distant hill/ for the caged bird/ sings of freedom
— Maya Angelou

I believe it might have been 2017 when I found myself delving into literary quotes online, a pastime that had become somewhat habitual for me. It was during this pursuit that I stumbled upon the renowned phrase 'Still I Rise.' At that time, I must confess, I had no inkling of its authorship or the profound impact it already had globally. Nevertheless, the simple yet powerful statement of perseverance resonated deeply with me, prompting me to immortalize it in a tattoo, on my foot of course.

I've discovered that poetry possesses a unique magic, not solely in just the words, but also in its ability to foster emotional resonance between those words. Fast forward a couple of years, and in a casual conversation, my partner offhandedly asked me whether And Still I Rise was my favorite collection by Maya Angelou, or if perhaps it was my favorite poem. I admitted that I hadn't delved into the poem or the author yet; rather, I had found solace in the poignancy of the line itself. However, this prompted a journey into the realm of poetry, led predominantly by the works of Miss Angelou. And a little bit by my partner's fascination with the medium.

Angelou's collection is undeniably bold, fearlessly confronting adversities and transforming them into rightfully claimed victories. Her work eloquently speaks to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of prejudice and discrimination, evoking a profound sense of recognition within me, despite not being the immediate target audience. Her careful exploration of societal biases serves as both an inspiration and a reminder of the resilience inherent within us all. She taught me that you can win without being worse than the enemy.

Upon my initial reading of these poems, I found myself captivated by emotions; a mixture of pure excitement and empowerment washed over me. And Still I Rise did not merely ignite a passion for poetry within me; it intensified it to a whole new level.

Historically, poetry has been a medium with which I've struggled to find comfortable connection. Its almost unobtainable complexity often left me feeling disheartened and thus uninterested. However, And Still I Rise changed this. Whether it was the shared experience of reading aloud with my partner or Angelou's ability to weave accessibility into her prose, I found myself fully immersed in the collection, no longer pondering on meaning, but rather feeling its essence. I was experiencing poetry.

And Still I Rise undoubtedly warrants the praises and awards it has garnered over the years, if not more. I found immense pleasure in reading this collection and will surely be delving into more of Angelou's work in the future


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