Sunday Shenanigans #2

Salut à tous !

The first week is already done?! Oh, how time flies!

Consistency is difficult in this new endeavour of mine, to be completely honest. The necessity to track my stuff over the course of the week is definitely no joke, but it gives me a push to journal my day every night—which I absolutely love yet still skip every now and again.

I feel like this week has been pretty productive and I am very happy about that! Also, guess what? I bought five books!! To be fair, though, two of those are on 75% sale from Kobo so...

Anyway, I hope everybody is having a good week! Here's how my week has been:


Finished Reading

Currently Reading


Future Reading

Book Haul



I have been doing some slack work with my French. Although, I am constantly, still, exposed with plenty of contents with the language—may it be from Youtube videos I watch, or Instagram posts/reels.

My Udemy course is going pretty badly. I am not having fun with the method of teaching and I’ve noticed plenty of stuff with the audio or quality of files that requires some fixing.


Progress wise, it’s very slow.

I can see why it takes more time and effort to learn a language that has its own letters. More so, when the letter’s shape changes.

Despite that, my exposure with Arabic—or, at least, its scripts—is constant. I do daily routines of the language with Drops and Duolingo. These aren’t, by any means, helpful with intensive learning, but it helps with keeping in contact with the language.


This is probably the language where you’ll have to click your tongue on me.

I don’t do Spanish as seriously as the first two—mainly because I get confused with my French—but I do it on a daily basis. Slow progress is better than no progress, no?

With formal lessons, I feel like the course is very slow. Not on its teaching but the way the videos are edited. I sometimes get to a point where I need to speed them up at 2.5 just to keep myself on track. The slowness kinda throws me off.







Princess & Pages


French in Plain Sight



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