The Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award

Vincent Ehindero is the co-founder and CEO of High Foster. Vincent is a humorous guy that has a wonderful talent of blending growth secrets with relatable experiences. He is also a founder of a nonprofit organization that focuses on developing children and youths.

This blog award is launched by Vincent Ehindero to support bloggers.

Most importantly, it is a reminder that we are a family; that your efforts are seen and being appreciated.

Thank you Angele @adominiquereads for nominating me to do this tag. This brilliant book blogger has been a constant supporter and good friend of mine!


  • Thank the person that nominated you with a link to their blog
  • Make a post of the award (with photo)
  • Post the rules
  • Ask 5 to 10 questions of your choice
  • Nominate 10 to 30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them
  • Follow Vincent Ehindero to qualify for a free blog promotion, shoutout, and more blogging opportunities

Angele’s Questions

If you could have a chat with any author you want, who would it be and what will be the first question you’ll ask them?

The short answer would be V. E. Schwab.

She’s my all-time favourite author and I think it only natural to gather myself and ask her, “Would you allow me to co-write a novel with you,” or “May I name a character in your next novel?”

If you were to ask me who else other than her, I’d love to have a tea with either Neil Gaiman or Shirley Jackson (were she alive or given the power to travel through time).

What’s your guilty pleasure food and/or drink?

I scream for ICE CREAM!!!

It’s not only a guilty pleasure, it’s also my comfort food; although, to be fair, any form of dessert is a guilty pleasure of mine. I’m trying to contain my self from sweets as we are not getting any younger, but welp!

Otherwise, I’d love an unsweetened iced coffee with a Danish bread or chocolate croissant.

What are your favourite movies?

This question is a wee bit complicated for two reasons. One, being I have a variety of favourites depending on genre. And two, I have staple movies that I frequently watch that aren’t necessarily my “favourite” but I love re-watching.

Firstly, I want to mention my favourite Studio Ghibli film which is ‘Grave of the Fireflies’.

This film destroyed me! Something about Studio Ghibli that was engraved in my mind is that their films are adorable with a serious undertone. And this film proved me wrong. It wasn’t just a serious undertone, it is an animated film that will make you fall apart.

If you are looking to have yourself wrecked, go and watch this film!

Otherwise, watch it still because it is a brilliant film.

Second is my top 2 Disney films; ‘Mulan’ and ‘Pocahontas.’ I think these two, specifically, have such a strong tone giving it a poignant beauty that everyone should see.

‘Mulan’ is the first of the two that I fell in-love with. I appreciated Mulan for all of her efforts, struggles, and in standing stall with who she is. She is such an inspiration.

On the other hand, ‘Pocahontas’ was something that I only recently appreciated. When I was younger, I wasn’t particularly fond of this animated film. I am uncertain as to why but I learned to appreciate its true beauty when I re-watched it in my 20s.

Next is my favourite horror/ psychological thriller: ‘Last Shift’.

This is a fantastic film with brilliant composition—working out the in-betweens of genre and storytelling.

I highly recommend this film if you’re looking for a solid horror film.

Fourth film is my favourite drama; ‘Room’.

Need I say more? ‘Room’ is a wonderfully casted true-crime film. Brie Larson did an amazing job with this film that she even won an Academy Award for it! Similarly, Jacob Tremblay, being the child actor that he is, blew me away! He is a fantastic actor and this film made me a strong supporter of the kid.

On another note, this film is actually a novel written by Emma Donoghue. I have always told myself that I will read the book this film was based on, but never really got the chance. I was even given a copy by my bookstagram friend, Cris. Soon. Definitely soon!

Lastly, the ‘Resident Evil’ franchise. This movie…dang! I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve watched it. It became such a comforting film for me that whenever I feel the need for a good distraction, this film is the one I always go to.

What was the book that everyone loved but you didn’t?

I am definitely part of the minority with this book. I wasn’t particularly fond of ‘The Silvered Serpents.’ It wasn’t a bad book per se; however, I did not connect with it nor enjoy the way the characters were planted in comparison with

I did write a review for this novel if you want to know more about my thoughts about the book. You can access the review here.

What are your thoughts on cancelling problematic authors?

Come to think of it, I never really strongly involved myself with the “Cancel Culture.” I find it to be extremely toxic and although it is good to be aware of someone’s unappealing personality and choices in life, I don’t believe it’s okay to be extreme about it. Don’t get me wrong, I stopped supporting authors that have been problematic, I just don’t think that grilling them is something that I’d do on a daily basis.

Consider it like this, I am a very anxious person and, most of the time, my anxiety eats me enough for me to think extremely negative thoughts. With that in mind, I do not involve myself on something that I know will drag me into a mental stupor.

My Questions

  1. What do you love to do on a quiet day?
  2. Who inspires you to do good?
  3. When was the last time you treated yourself? What did you do/ purchase for yourself? If you haven’t done it already, I encourage you to treat yourself now!
  4. Given the chance to travel an all expense paid trip, where would you like to go?
  5. How do you like to take your coffee/ tea?


Jenny @ofproseandspells

Hamad @thebookprescription

Bea @beamasalunga

Yna @ynathemoodreader

Rain @bookdragonism

Annie @anniesreadingtips

Mishie @readby_mishie

If you’re interested to do this tag as well, consider yourself nominated by me. Now that I’ve nominated you, nominate other wonderful bloggers and inform them!

4 thoughts on “The Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award”

    1. Wander with Jon

      OMG! I’m glad to know someone who loves the franchise as well! My favourite is the first film, solely because of the laser room. 😛

    1. Wander with Jon

      Yeah? It was an easy answer for me, no? The other questions, though, is a whole new level of thinking.

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